
One of my new year resolutions for 2019 is to launch my own personal website with my own domain. I am excited to announce that www.sincerelyloewe.com is launched!

To all my readers and blogger friends that I have met on WordPress in the last 7 years, I would love to continue our blogging journey together on my new site. My new website is still WordPress powered so you can subscribe to with your WordPress account as normal, or as an email subscriber.

Thank you for reading all this time and I hope to hear from you all again.

Sincerely, Loewe

#JLAsia2018 Recap II: Being white in Patong

Patong beach.

After Bangkok, our next stop was Phuket in southern Thailand and specifically, Patong beach area.

I’m just going to come right out and say this: I got hit on a lot in Phuket. At first I thought it was just because they know I’m a tourist/foreigner so they’re just chatting me up and giving free service (food, drinks, etc. not sex please stop thinking about that), but it got to a point where I was getting business solicitations and endorsements. And the biggest reason is because my skin is white.

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From the 2018 me


I have so many mixed feelings about 2018. This year has been a roller coaster of all the emotions across the human spectrum and I can only say I rode through it all.

What are some big lessons from this year? I learned about death – how it feels to have someone die and have you be left in this world. I learned how to handle grief, or at least how to handle it sometimes. I learned how to find my self-worth and self-respect after losing it. I learned how to forgive myself and others who hurt me. I learned how to pick myself up from the bottom of the pit. I learned how to love someone again.

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#JLAsia2018 Recap I: Moving to Bangkok

Outside the MBK Center.

We started our southeast Asia backpacking trip with 1.5 days in Bangkok, Thailand. We decided not to stay in Bangkok for too long because we didn’t have time to visit the grand palace (you need to be there before 8am), and because we wanted to see other parts of Thailand more.

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and definitely has the “big city” appeal – lots of luxurious malls and more expensive food and shopping compared to the rest of Thailand (it’s still cheap in general).

The most interesting revelation I had in Bangkok was not necessarily related to Bangkok itself, but more related to my two friends who actually moved and live in Bangkok now.

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#JLAsia2018 return!

IMG_1330I have returned from my backpacking trip through southeast Asia more tanned, tired and poor than before. My priorities this week include laundry, catching up on work and not getting sick (my body is not used to zero degrees yet!).

I’ll be working on my annual montage video as well as a series of blog recaps – highlights include a lantern release, elephant poop (yup, they’re big) and sad poor country life, but feel free to take a look at some of the photos we’ve been sharing throughout our trip with the hashtag #JLAsia2018.

Today I wanted to write to you all about just how happy I am to be back.

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Happy weight



So I’ve gained 15 lbs in the last 2 months and when I tell people this, they roll their eyes and tell me, “You’re tiny!” “I can’t tell!” “Don’t worry!” but hey the fact still remains. I’ve gained 15 lbs in a relatively short amount of time and I really think this is just the tipping point. I think I am going to lose control. 15 lbs is just the beginning…

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#JLAsia2018: See you soon Thailand, Laos and Cambodia!


It’s time for my annual backpacking trip and this year I will be going to Thailand, Laos and Cambodia for 2.5 weeks this November with my old classmate, Julianna!

My trip will be half self-planned and half Contiki, a travel tour for 18-35 year-olds. The cities I’ll be traveling to are:

  • Bangkok
  • Phuket
  • Chiang Mai
  • Luang Prabang
  • Vang Vieng
  • Vientiane
  • Phnom Penh
  • Siem Reap

I’ve only been to Bangkok with my rich aunty where we stayed in nice hotels and spas so I am ready for a hobo in-the-jungle backpacking adventure where I get to give elephants mud baths, stay overnight at a temple, and go cave exploring.

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On saying goodbye to friends


With my best friend’s birthday just happening this week, I’ve been thinking about friendship and how it changes over the years.

What do I mean by that? I mean that sometimes friends leave you, sometimes you leave your friends, and sometimes you are still friends but everything is both different and the same at the same time (how is that possible?)

For example, this year I’ve had several friends leave me. I’ve had a friend pass away from cancer – a devastating event. I had a friend leave me probably because it was hard for her to be with me – I remind her of painful memories. And I had another friend who left because of a lack of communication that led to unresolved conflicts and built up resentment. All of this is sad, and I would love to say that somehow we made it through but the truth is that we didn’t.

What are some things I’ve realized about friendship over the years? The first realization is that friends don’t always talk or see each other. This may not be a surprise for some of you, but for me it was difficult to comprehend because I am super extroverted. I didn’t understand why my best friends wouldn’t want to message each other daily or hang out every weekend. I felt lonely, as if we weren’t as close as before. It took me awhile to understand that everybody needs some alone time. Most people need more than me and I had to respect that.

The second realization was when everyone started to get busy and I felt a disappointment in my expectations. I was busy too, but sometimes it felt like I made more effort to see my friends than they did. I would transit 2 hours by myself just to go for a catch-up dinner, but I wouldn’t be as confident to say they would do the same for me. I now admit that not everybody will make time for me or they’ll do other things for me and it doesn’t mean they don’t care about me.

The third realization is about letting go. In my world, everything can be fixed if you talk about it. Not everybody is a mind reader and I like to give people the benefit of the doubt that they don’t know what they’re doing is upsetting you, so if you talk about it, you’ll be able to understand and say or do things differently. Some people disagree and think it’s not genuine this way, that “trying” to make it work means it’s not working. And some people I think have already let go of you, so they are not interested in talking or working out anything.

That is probably the most difficult realization for me – not everyone wants to be my friend forever. That sounds kinda stupid, but if you put a lot of time into building your relationships with others, it’s sad to see it fall apart. Sometimes it’s no one’s fault.

I know I’m not the perfect friend and no one can be there for you all the time. I know friends and even lovers will disappoint each other, anger each other, make each other cry, but I do still believe that if you want things to work with someone, you will find a way to understand each other and I am willing to do the work for anyone who is willing to do the same for me. All relationships require some kind of work, whether it feels like work or not.

I have some amazing friends who have been with me for 14 years or more. I have some not-so-close friends surprise me. I have friends with all sorts of issues of their own, but when I meet up with them and they tell me stuff like, “You seem so happy now, I am happy for you”.

It makes me realize that there are more people who care about you than you’d think. There are friends who worry but don’t know what to say, friends who want to help but don’t know how to, friends who think about you and care about you.

Yes, friends change over time because people change. Situations change too and your friendships may not be operating in the same ways anymore, but I argue that the very essence of your friendship remains the same. It’s not always about having the same interests or living close by. You are friends because you brighten up each other’s life, whether that be being able to make each other laugh or relax, or sharing pain together.

You are friends because you care about each other, and even if you are no longer friends, it doesn’t mean you no longer care about them either. It doesn’t mean your happy memories in the past don’t mean anything. They were all a part of building the you of today.

I thank everyone who has been a part of my life so far, whether they are still in it or not. If you have been my friend before, then I hope you letting go of me has also given you even more happiness than you’ve given me.

Sincerely, Loewe